Watercress and Mushroom Pâté : The elegant secret

Watercress and Mushroom Pâté, Taste more elegant than any

Watercress and Mushroom Pâté. Pâté  is an authentic French dish made from ground meat, cuts of meat, and fish, coated in a dough called pate, and baked in the oven.



Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes

130 kilocalories per serving


Step 1

Melt the margarine over a low heat and cook the onion until soft, but not coloured

Raise the heat, add the mushrooms and cook quickly for 2 minutes.

Step 2

Add the chopped watercress and stir for about 30 seconds until it becomes wilted.

Place the contents of the pan in a blender together with the cheese and shoyu sauce.

Step 3

Blend until smooth.

Stir in the caraway seeds and pepper to taste.

Step 4

Put into individual ramekin dishes or one large serving dish and chill for at least 2 hours until firm.


It may be necessary to stir the contents of the blender several times as the mixture should be fairly thick.


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