Salad Paysanne


4 spring onions
½ cucumber
3 carrots
6 large tomatoes
10 button mushrooms
3 sticks celery
1 green pepper, chopped
15-20 tiny cauliflower florets
15-20 radishes, quartered
1 tbsp chopped watercress, or mustard and cress
2 sprigs fresh coriander leaves, or parsley, chopped
8 lettuce leaves for garnish


½ tsp salt
½ tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsps cider vinegar
1 tbsp lemon juice
6O ml/4 tbsps olive or vegetable oil Pinch of mustard powder
Liquid sweetener to taste


Preparation time: 20 minutes



1. Trim the spring onions and cut them diagonally into thin slices.


2. Peel the cucumber and quarter it lengthways. Use a teaspoon to remove the soft, seedy centre, discard this, and dice the remaining flesh.


3. Peel the carrots and slice them thinly, cutting the carrots diagonally with a sharp knife.


4. Cut a small cross into the skin of each tomato, and plunge into boiling water for 30 seconds. Remove the tomatoes and carefully peel off the blanched skins. Quarter the tomatoes and cut away the tough cores.


5. Thinly slice the mushrooms and celery.


6. For the dressing, mix together all the ingredients. Whisk thoroughly using a fork, or ballon whisk, until the mixture becomes thick and cloudy.


7. Arrange the lettuce leaves on a serving dish and pile the prepared vegetables on top.


8. Just before serving, spoon a little of the dressing over the salad and serve the reminder separately in a small jug.


VARIATION:- Use any combination of your own favourite vegetables in this recipe.

CALORIES:- 120 kilocalories per serving.


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