Black Salsify In Cream Sauce (Salsifis Noir À La Crème)

Black Salsify In Cream Sauce, I'm black!

Black Salsify (oyster plant) is a long, thin root whose soft, white delicious flesh is said to taste of oysters – hence its name. The black-skinned variety (scorzonera) used in this recipe has better flavour.



Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Serves: 4


Step 1

Scrape or peel the roots, putting them in vinegar water to prevent the flesh from going dark.

Transfer to boiling, lightly salted water and cook until tender, but not mushy.

Step 2

Meanwhile make the sauce by mixing softened butter and flour and cooking for a couple of minutes without browning.

Gradually add the stock. Boil for a couple of min­utes and stir in cream or sour cream. Season to taste.

Step 3

Place drained roots on a hot serv­ing dish, pour sauce over and sprinkle with a little finely chopped parsley.

Suitable for the freezer, but will lose some flavour

If you like vegetables, I would recommend Pineapple and Corn Salad


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