
1 kg nettles roughly cut
1 bunch fennel, only the tender part
1 large onion, grated
½ cup olive oil
1 handful of white short grain rice
The juice from one lemon



1. Immerse the nettles in boiling water and boil for 3 minutes. Finely chop and then rub the other greens between your hands over a bowl.


2. Stir-fry the onions in olive oil until slightly brown. Add the other greens: the nettles (strained) and fennel. Sauté for 8 minutes at low temperature.


3. Add a little salt, pepper and 5 cups of water. Boil the soup for 10 minutes. Add the rice, lower the heat and cook the soup for 12 more minutes.


4. Taste the soup and make the necessary adjustments with salt and pepper. Add the lemon juice and serve immediately.